Monday, April 2, 2012

A wise chairman of an appartment association prevents conflicts

The chairmen of the apartment associations have changed - successful chairman is characterized by a good ability to communicate.

The new generation of chairmen has renewed it's principles - they try to prevent conflicts on meetings. Those, who aren't able to achieve this, usually leave their post. Best chairmen try to escape conflicts and are usually highly valued among the members of the apartment association.

If the chairman doesn't allocate time to communicate with the residents then immediately there are disputes and anger. The chairman of the apartment association can't play the role of a big boss, which communicates with his subordinates only through the secretary. The activities of the apartment association should be discussed at annual meetings, but I advise you to do so at the interim meetings also. It is recommended for the chairmanship of the apartment association to share information between the residents about the current activities, projects and problems. You can share the info using the information wall in the hallway or using the mailboxes.

A well-deserved trust

The fact that many residents don't realise that ownership of real estate carries with it certain expenses. Most of the apartment owners think that they have a right to demand somthing command those stupid and lazy chairmen of apartment associations. It is sometimes hard to explain that ownership of real estate means expenses and takes the money out.

Lots of residents don't have enough money - hence another source of conflict. If the wallet is thin and the ambitions are huge, each believes that his hallway should be renovated as a priority, not the heating system or the basement insulation. Often these residents bring a lot of attention to themselfs during the meetings.

Earning the trust of the residents number one priority for the chairman of the apartment association. Every member of the asociation requires time. Communication, communication and once more communication is the key to success .

It is easier to avoid conflicts, if the chairman of the apartment association has an appropriate education. Nowadays, there are private companies that offer courses for chairmen of the apartment associations. The chairman which has finished such courses, powerfully promotes the activities of the apartment association and successfully avoids the conflicts - after all misunderstandings often arise because of the lack of education. Due to the nature of profession of the chairman, a large amount of knowledge from different areas is required. If there isn't a decent person for the place of the chairman, you probably want to use the services of the management and consulting companies. That is by the way a common practise in Finland.

More info and communication

Informing the residents on the meetings helps to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. It is necessary to inform the residents about the main topics before the meeting, and if necessary, talk to everyone seperately. Also, You can make a quiz about peoples opinion on a particular project. The compromise can only be reached when all the opinions will be heard and everything will be given an explanation.

The meeting of the apartment association should be preferably arranged with the accordance of the association's regulations. Questions should only be asked after chairman's report on a particular problem, and should not interrupt him. The members of the apartment association should listen to the chairman who gives an apportunity to ask a question and gives an apropriate answer.

How to prevent conflicts on the meetings of the apartment association ?

  • Share as much as possible information with the members of the apartment association.
  • Create an oportunity to discuss problems of he apartment association outside the walls of the meeting room.
  • The meeting of apartment association should be regulated. Stick to the rules.
  • The chairman of the apartment association must have all the necessary knowledge for the job. You can receive knowledge. It is also advisable to share experience with the chairmen of other housing associations.

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